Day 300 - Leader vs. Manager
During a recent team-building facilitation, the question was asked, “What is the difference between a leader versus a manager.”
This is a great question on many levels, especially in the context of heart-centered leadership!
A leader is someone who sets the vision and direction for a team.
A manager is responsible for coordinating the team and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goal.
Leaders inspire and motivate team members to do their best work.
Managers focus on ensuring the team is organized and efficient.
Leaders tend to be more focused on the big picture.
Managers are more focused on the day-to-day tasks.
Leaders are typically more involved in the creative process.
Managers are more focused on the implementation and execution of the creative ideas.
Ultimately, both leaders and managers are important for the success of a team, but they take different approaches to help achieve a common goal.
Are you a manager or a leader?