Day 276 - BAU?
Sunday Sentiments
At the start of 2023 and in the month of January, the conversations that I've had have been beyond intellectually stimulating.
I created this graphic in my mind as I sat down to recall and review my list of conversations with so many amazing people.
We are definitely returning to heart-centered leadership.
This type of leadership and the people's choices for this shift may have required a global pandemic to erupt, but it is now here to stay.
It seems to have gotten lost at the start of the industrial revolution.
People used to help people just for the sake of helping.
A simple exchange of energy with a foundation of exemplary listening.
There is no room for or consideration of reciprocity.
Business acumen did not make room for this level or type of thinking.
The habit of thinking was inclusive of knowledge, skill, and ability, yet the heart-centered approach did not make the cut.
Are you still in BAU? Business As Usual?
Leaders can and do lose their curiosity along the way.
Knowledge is power, only if you choose to share from your heart. 💜