Day 217 - Do You Understand?
”If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”
-Albert Einstein
I’ve been reading about Albert Einstein lately and this quote struck me.
It allowed me to really sit and think about the true meaning of what the quote was trying to convey.
This quote embodies imperfection.
When we are learning we are open and even excited for new information.
Sometimes we need to allow ourself some grace to process this new information and quite frankly be easy on ourself.
The time we spend to learn, relearn, reread and allow the time to process the information to understand is key.
We can’t explain anything without confidence.
Have you ever tried to explain something and felt you really didn’t understand it enough to do do?
If you answered yes, welcome to imperfection.
The key is to start and let others see your ’gaps’ so they can listen, help and perhaps help you understand.
That’s the openness to be vulnerable and heart-centered. 💙