Day 192 - BE the truth
What does this really mean to you?
Living your truth, for me, is putting myself first and doing the things that make me happy and fulfilled on a daily basis.
I've recently returned to in-person speaking. I had colleagues and friends ask why I waited so long to return.
I was not ready to return.
We all have our safe havens of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. I had migrated, like the rest of the world, to all the online platforms for my clients, and it was working. I didn't feel that I was missing out or that the quality of my presentation was less because I was online.
Any decision we make in our lives, be it professional or personal, is on our terms. We decide what, when, who, how, etc.
It certainly feels good to be back; however, I will maintain the modality of online and in-person. Having the freedom to be there for my clients – and myself.
☑️ Embracing imperfection
☑️ Navigating unprecedented times
☑️ Listening. Deep listening
☑️ Seeing people
☑️ Creation of life by design
☑️ Meeting people where they are
Enjoy a little video snippet below from a recent online presentation I did to a large corporation for their leadership team across Canada and the United States.