Day 147 - A Revisited Thought
I really enjoy writing this daily blog.
I share it with the world, yet it's really for my own heart work and thought leadership.
Today, I had the pleasure of having lunch at a place that has been on my life list, yes, not a bucket list, life list.
It was a tea room in the middle of a forest with majestic, tall trees.
Mother Nature is my foundation, my home, my renewal -- always.
I had the pleasure of joining a couple who had been married for 54 years.
The family that owns the tea room prides themselves on making all food from scratch.
It was like walking back in time and it felt so welcoming on all levels.
The wife has suffered a stroke and wanted to have lunch with me on her anniversary of all days to get my advice and medical knowledge for her next direction for rehabilitation.
As I sat and listened to her and then answered all her questions, I basked in a revisited thought of who and what I used to be -- a disability case manager.
My office may be gone.
My staff moved on to new jobs.
My knowledge -- tucked in my mind and engraved in my heart. 💙